Accord Software, Inc.

Application Development with AccordSTAR Generator

AccordSTAR Generator is a distributed application generator which takes as its input a CIDL specification and outputs objects needed to develop a distributed application. The object files are results of generated C code compiled with your cc compiler.

With AccordSTAR Generator the process for developing a distributed application is reduced to four simple steps as follows:

  1. Develop your CIDL Specification, i.e. your IFC interfaces by writing and testing as much of your application as a single process application as possible. It is easier to to isolate and fix problems if the application is a single process.

  2. Generate client stub, server stub and the common IPC code using AccordSTAR Generator.

  3. Link in your object modules with AccordSTAR generated object modules and create your client and server executables(a.out). The object modules used in single process application are re-linked into client and server executables without re-compiling because re-compiling can introduce bugs.

  4. Test your Distributed Application for correct behavior. Exercise all IFCs and ensure that over time there are no memory leaks. Use AccordSTAR Manager to monitor and manage how your application is performing, and AccordSTAR License to confirm that correct sets of IFCs are enabled for each license key you plan to issue.
Most compilers provide a way for linking C modules with other languages such as Java, C++, FORTRAN, ADA, etc. You can use AccordSTAR with other languages as long as there is support provided to link C object modules with your other object modules.
[P-003] Updated March 14, 1996
Copyright © 1993-1996 Accord Software, Inc. All rights reserved.